RUB » Lehrstuhl

Mitarbeiter des LEAT

M.Sc. Rezvan Abdi

Lehrstuhl für Energieanlagen und Energieprozesstechnik
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Universitätsstraße 150, IC 2/111
D-44780 Bochum
Tel: +49 (0)234 / 32-23503
E-Mail: abdi(at)



Abdi, R.; Rezazadeh, N.; Abdi, M. Reduction of fluid forces and vortex shedding frequency of a circular cylinder using rigid splitter plates, European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 26(3), 225-244, 2017
Abdi, R.; Rezazadeh, N.; Abdi, M. Investigation of passive oscillations of flexible splitter plates attached to a circular cylinder, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 84, 302-317, 2019
Eydi, F.; Mojra, A.; Abdi, R. Comparative analysis of the flow control over a circular cylinder with detached flexible and rigid splitter plates, Physics of Fluids 34(11), 113604, 2022
Dehestani, A.; Kazemi, F.; Abdi, R.; Nitka, M. Prediction of fracture toughness in fibre-reinforced concrete, mortar, and rocks using various Machine learning techniques, ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS, 108914, 2022
Abdi, R.; Krzaczek, M.; Tejchman, J. Comparative study of high-pressure fluid flow in densely packed granules using a 3D CFD model in a continuous medium and a simplified 2D DEM-CFD approach, Granular Matter, 24, 1-25, 2022
Abdi, R.; Krzaczek, M.; Tejchman, J. Simulations of high-pressure fluid flow in a pre-cracked rock specimen composed of densely packed bonded spheres using a 3D CFD model and simplified 2D coupled CFD-DEM approach, Powder Techology, 118238, 2023